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The Perfect Panama Experience

The Perfect Panama Experience

Map of trip
Posted on June 27, 2024

I visited this area on vacation through a package offered by Dolphin Blue Paradise, an eco-resort on the coast of Isla San Cristobal. My itinerary included two nights in Casco Viejo, Panama City, and four nights at Dolphin Blue Paradise.

Trip Recap

  • Day 1: Arriving at Tocumen Airport, I stayed at Central Hotel in Casco Viejo.
  • Day 2: The Central Hotel's breakfast fueled my day exploring the Panama Canal locks.
  • Day 3: A delicious breakfast, a short Uber ride, serene flight, and vibrant town exploration.
  • Day 4: Kayaking in Dolphin Bay, dolphin spotting, idyllic beach on Castaway Tour, exquisite meals.
  • Day 5: An unforgettable day filled with wildlife, delicious food, and breathtaking views.
  • Day 6: Bittersweet farewell: packed up, departed Dolphin Bay, and savored final memories of paradise.


  • Rose Icon

    From the moment I arrived, the staff at Dolphin Blue Paradise made sure my stay was tailored to my preferences. Marcus greeted me warmly and offered options for transportation, allowing me to explore Bocas Town on foot. The owner, Yuh Schabacker, took the time to discuss my plans and helped arrange activities that suited my interests, making every day an adventure. Roque, the nature expert and head gardener, provided an incredible nature hike, sharing his extensive knowledge of the local flora and fauna, and even introduced me to the history of cacao farming in his family.

  • Rose Icon

    Dolphin Blue Paradise is committed to preserving the natural beauty and biodiversity of the region. During my excursions, I noticed the emphasis on sustainability and respect for the environment. The staff's dedication to conservation was evident in their efforts to protect local wildlife, such as the rescued and orphaned monkeys on Monkey Island and the pristine waters of Zapatilla Island. The resort also promotes eco-friendly practices, like using locally sourced ingredients for meals and maintaining a garden that supplies fresh produce.

  • Rose Icon

    Every meal at Dolphin Blue Paradise was a culinary delight. Breakfasts featured fresh bread and homemade jams, yogurt with granola, and unique main dishes like sourdough galette with ham and cheese and croque madame. Lunches and dinners were equally impressive, with highlights including tuna Poisson cru, grilled wahoo, and chocolate coconut pie with passionfruit sauce. The attention to detail in the turn-down service, with fresh flowers and citrus mosquito repellent, added a touch of luxury to my stay.

  • Rose Icon

    The excursions offered were both thrilling and enriching. Kayaking around Dolphin Bay allowed me to see dolphins up close, while the "Castaway Tour" took me to the remote and picturesque Playa Bahía Azul and introduced me to the Ngäbe tribe's way of life. Snorkeling in the clear waters of Zapatilla Island revealed a vibrant underwater world, and the fishing trip where we caught a black tuna was an unforgettable experience.

  • Rose Icon

    My stay at Dolphin Blue Paradise was a perfect balance of relaxation, adventure, and luxury. The personalized service, commitment to conservation, and exquisite dining made it a truly memorable trip. Whether it was spotting sloths and monkeys on a hike, enjoying a private picnic on a secluded beach, or simply relaxing in a hammock by the swim dock, every moment was special. The highlight of my trip was the seamless blend of eco-friendly practices with high-end comfort, making Dolphin Blue Paradise a unique and exceptional destination.

  • Rose Icon

    During the first part of my trip in Panama City, I had the opportunity to explore Casco Viejo, the historic district of Panama City. The charm of Old Town, with its narrow streets, colonial architecture, and vibrant atmosphere, was a perfect complement to my tropical adventure. I enjoyed a delicious lunch at a recommended spot, soaking in the rich history and culture of the area. Casco Viejo's blend of old-world charm and modern vibrancy made it a memorable part of my trip. The package I chose with Dolphin Blue Paradise gave me the perfect blend of adventure, relaxation, cultural immersion, and luxury. The two-part package really allowed me to make the most of my travel.

Day 1

Depending on your departure location, you'll likely arrive in the evening at Tocumen International Airport in Panama City, via Copa Airlines. I stayed at Central Hotel in Casco Viejo (Old Town), a safe and historic UNESCO heritage site just outside Panama City and a 15-minute Uber ride from the next airport. The package from Dolphin Blue Paradise includes a special rate at Central Hotel, making it more affordable and a very nice place to stay for two nights before heading to Dolphin Blue Paradise for four nights.

Spending two nights in Casco Viejo before experiencing the archipelago makes the vacation incredibly well-rounded, maximizing your Panama experience. By booking the package with Dolphin Blue Paradise, I received a complete itinerary and travel guide for Panama City, allowing me to discover the hidden gems of Casco Viejo, including restaurants, museums, markets, spas, and more. Upon arriving at Central Hotel, I went to dinner at a great restaurant recommended by Dolphin Blue Paradise. It was reasonably priced and very good. After dinner, I took a stroll around Casco Viejo, familiarizing myself with the area and settling in.

Central Hotel Panama Casco Viejo
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Casco Viejo
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Day 2

I enjoyed a delicious complimentary breakfast at the Central Hotel. Afterward, I took an Uber to the Panama Canal and explored the locks and the canal's history, which turned out to be much cheaper than booking a museum tour. Using Dolphin Blue Paradise's Panama City guidebook, I found a great place for lunch and had an amazing Thai massage afterward. For dinner, I visited another fantastic restaurant recommended by DBP, then prepared for my travels the following day.

Central Hotel Panama Casco Viejo
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Day 3

I woke up early and enjoyed breakfast at the hotel. Afterward, I took one last stroll around the town and picked up a couple of souvenirs. The Uber ride from Central Hotel to Albrook Airport took no more than 15 minutes. Checking bags and waiting to board was a smooth process. The plane I boarded was small, offering breathtaking views of the serene blue waters of the archipelago below. Upon landing, I was warmly greeted by Marcus, one of the staff members, who took my bags and offered me the option of a taxi or a 10-minute walk. I chose to walk to explore Bocas Town and experience its vibrant atmosphere.

Following a scenic 30-minute boat ride, which included beautiful views of the archipelago, mangrove canals, and a glimpse of dolphins in Dolphin Bay, I was dropped off at an over-water restaurant. There, I was welcomed with a drink, and my bags were taken to my cabana. The introduction was delightful, and I shared my plans for the next three days with the owner, Yuh Schabacker, allowing her to plan the rest of my stay. For lunch, I enjoyed a delicious homemade flatbread topped with vegetables from the garden and homemade marinara sauce. The rest of the evening was spent unpacking and relaxing at the swim dock with my book until dinner.

For dinner, I enjoyed a three-course meal that included an appetizer, a main course, and a dessert. The meal began with an appetizer of cucumber soup and a homemade tortilla. The main dish was grilled wahoo, a local fish, which was amazing. Dessert was a fantastic chocolate coconut pie garnished with a passionfruit sauce. Everything was made with fresh ingredients, and the food was amazing. After dinner, I returned to my room to find a lovely turn-down service, which included a refilled thermos of water, a neatly arranged mosquito net over the bed, extra fans, fresh flowers, and a room sprayed with citrus mosquito repellent. Overall, it was a fantastic first night in paradise!

Dolphin Blue Paradise
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Day 4

I woke up early to kayak around Dolphin Bay in search of dolphins and check out the surrounding environment. During my adventure, I was lucky enough to spot three dolphins. Upon returning, I enjoyed an amazing complimentary breakfast of homemade bread and homemade jams, yogurt with homemade granola, fresh fruit from the garden, a mix of fresh coconut and fruit juice, and a main dish featuring a poached egg over thinly sliced lettuce with a lime sauce and bacon bits.

During the day, I booked the "Castaway Tour," which included an hour-long boat ride to Playa Bahía Azul, a picturesque remote beach with nobody in sight. The white sandy beach stretched along the bright blue and green water, creating a stunning scene. We then visited a village called Ensenada and saw the lifestyle of the Ngäbe tribe. Afterwards, we drove 20 miles out and fished, catching a black tuna which we would later eat fresh. The views were amazing and the water was a pure blue color.

When we got back, I freshened up for dinner. The appetizer was a tuna Poisson cru with the tuna I had caught that day, followed by grilled snapper, and finished with flambé pineapple and pineapple ice cream. Another amazing day concluded with a fantastic dinner and turn-down service.

Dolphin Blue Paradise
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Day 5

I woke up early and went on a nature hike with the nature expert and head gardener Roque. His keen eye allowed us to spot more than 10 sloths and monkeys, and he even picked a cacao plant for me to taste. Roque explained the history of world-class Belgian chocolate and shared that his mom has a cacao farm that used to sell to Lindor. The hike was amazing, and Roque's knowledge of the surrounding area was impressive.

After the hike, I ate breakfast, which included the daily homemade bread and homemade jams, yogurt and granola, and a sourdough galette with ham and cheese, my favorite breakfast of the entire trip. Today, I chose to book an excursion to Monkey Island and Zapatilla. Monkey Island was incredible, with countless monkeys playing all around me. I had the chance to feed and hold the rescued and orphaned monkeys.

After Monkey Island, we drove out to Zapatilla, one of the islands where the show Survivor was filmed. Marcus knew a great spot with nobody around, so we beached the boat and set up a picnic under a palm tree overlooking the beautiful archipelago. Marcus prepared a pasta salad and served a cold fresh coconut to drink, which was fantastic. After lunch, I grabbed a snorkel set and swam in the perfectly clear water, spotting many fish and coral.

On the way back, I enjoyed a nice local beer and watched the serene islands and water pass by.

Before dinner, I booked an hour-long waterski session which was fantastic. I even waterskied next to dolphins in Dolphin Bay! The water was glassy and the views were outstanding.

Once I was back, I took a siesta, napping in a hammock on the swim dock. After my nap, I took a stroll through the garden, spotting all of the various fruits, vegetables, spices, and herbs they grow. I even picked a fresh mango off the mango tree for myself.

For dinner, I had an appetizer of homemade hummus and pita bread, followed by koftas with baba ghanoush, and banana ice for dessert. Everything was delicious, as usual. After dinner, I sat out late admiring the stars and the bioluminescence that lit up the dark water, which was an incredible sight. After stargazing and experiencing the bioluminescence, I got ready for my last day.

Monkey Island Bocas
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Day 6

It was the final day, and I woke up early to pack and get ready to leave. Breakfast included fresh bread and jams, yogurt with granola and fresh fruit, and a croque madame which was excellent. The fresh juices that Yuh makes are also excellent. I bought a bar of cacao made by Roque's mother, which can be used for baking and making very good hot chocolate.

After breakfast, I checked all of my final purchases in an invoice, and once cleared, I paid and boarded my luggage onto the boat, which was docked by Marcus at the restaurant. I took my final view of Dolphin Blue Paradise as we drove off towards Bocas Town. Upon leaving Dolphin Bay, we spotted a family of four dolphins jumping in and out of the glassy water.

I was escorted back to the airport where I waited to board. My layover between flights was six hours, giving me four hours of free time before I needed to go to Tocumen International Airport in Panama City. When I landed at Albrook, I took an Uber back to Old Town and had a great lunch that was recommended to me by DBP. Once I was ready to leave for the airport, I Ubered to Tocumen International and flew back home.

Casco Viejo
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Anything you would add or do differently?

  • If I had more time I would like to have explored more of the islands and tribal villages.

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