Bustling Berlin
We went to Berlin, because it’s an awesome city. I’d been before and wanted to go again, my co-traveller was happy to tag along. This particular trip to Berlin was an exploration trip more than anything else, we didn’t really plan much in advance. We assumed that it’d be easy to fill our three days, and we were not wrong!
Trip Recap
- Day 1: Less crowded than summer, great public transport, fantastic view from Kohlhoff-Tower.
- Day 2: Shop for luxury brands at KaDeWe, enjoy lunch with city views. Unique souvenirs available.
- Day 3: Top deck views opened my mind, Thai dinner was unforgettable at Suksan!
Berlin is a highlight in an of itself. Being in the city at a time where the weather wasn't stellar and the tourist season wasn't quite there yet was great! Much more breathing room.
Berlin is a great city to just hang out in, and explore. There's always something interesting around the next corner.
Day 1
This trip was in May during an ordinary work-week, before the tourism season really kicked in, and that was visible. The city was less crowded than when I’ve visited Berlin during summer. A huge plus in my book, it’s nice to have some elbow room, and we stayed at Best Western President Hotel at a decent rate. We made great use of the public transport system. Berlin is huge. Do yourself a favour, pick up a travel pass and spend a few minutes over breakfast getting to know the train lines. It’ll save you time and miles walked.
The Kohlhoff-Tower at Potsdamer Platz: take the super fast elevator up to the top and enjoy a breathtaking view of all of Berlin. Worth the price of entry! Not for those with fear of heights.
Day 2
KaDeWe or Kaufhaus des Westens (The Western Department store) is an instution in Berlin, and offers old school luxury shopping in a historical setting. Spend the morning browsing through all the up-scale brands in the store and end with a grand lunch at the restaurant up in the top with views of the surrounding city. A great place to get a souvenier, if you want something a little out of the ordinary.
Day 3
Open top bus ride - I've always stuck my nose up at things like this, but sparing your feet for an hour or two and seeing the city with a guide might show you things you'd otherwise have missed. We did this tour on the day we arrived, being a little tired from travelling, and not really knowing what to do until dinner.
The dining highlight of this trip was completely uncontested the Thai restaurant Suksan, with some of the best Thai food I've ever had. https://www.suksan.de/ - wont forget the spring rolls any time soon!
Anything you would add or do differently?
Do a pinch more research from home. As much as I love exploring, it's good to have a few pointers to begin with.